Sponsors and Exhibitors
NAFCC’s mission is to support and leverage a nationwide network of providers and partners in expanding and promoting the power of family child care.
There are approximately 4,200 NAFCC members across 45 states. Our Annual Conference attracts over 1,300 educators from across the country for three days. All conference announcements, including sponsorship opportunities, are sent to our entire contact list, reaching over 30,000 people.
For information on sponsor/exhibit opportunities or if you have any questions, please contact Dezire’e Mattocks at dmattocks@nafcc.org.
Sponsorship Levels
(1 Available)
- WHOVA APP Branding
- Welcome Speaker
- Exhibit booth area (prime location)
- Podium recognition by Executive Director or Board Chair. Sponsors will be allowed to show a 4–5-minute promotional video.
- 1 VIP Table at plenaries, Toast to Quality Reception, and luncheon
- 3 full conference registration including reception and luncheon (valued at $1,767)
- NAFCC VIP basket will be delivered to the hotel room.
- 2 exhibit booths (8’ x 10’) with prime location (valued at $4,400)
- Full-page, 4-color ad on inside cover of conference program (valued at $2,000)
- Bag Insert (value at $1,200)
- Prominent placing of company name and logo in rotating signage from conference main stage
- Company Name and Logo on all National
- Conference Promotional Materials (including conference signage, social media, event promotions, event wear and event website)
- Attendee email list provided via email after the conference. Please email conference@nafcc.org to obtain a final attendee list.
(1 Available)
- WHOVA APP Branding
- Welcome Speaker
- Podium recognition by Executive Director or Board Chair. Sponsor will be allowed to show 4-5-minute promotional video.
- 1 VIP table at plenaries and luncheon
- 3 full conference registration including reception and luncheon (valued at $1,767)
- NAFCC VIP basket will be delivered to hotel room
- 2 exhibit booths (8’ x 10’) with prime location (valued at $4,400)
- Full-page, 4-color ad on inside cover of conference program (valued at $2,000)
- Bag insert (valued at $1,200)
- Prominent placing of company name and logo in rotating signage from conference main stage
- Company Name and Logo on all National Conference Promotional Materials (including conference signage, social media, event promotions, event wear and event website)
- Attendee email list provided via email after the conference. Please email conference@nafcc.org to obtain a final attendee list.
(1 Available)
- Podium recognition by Executive Director or Board Chair.
- 2 full conference registration including reception and luncheon (valued at $1,178)
- 6 VIP seating at plenaries, Toast to Quality, and luncheon
- 1 exhibit booth (8’ x 10’) with prime high traffic location (valued at $2,200)
- Half- page, 4-color ad on inside back cover of conference program (valued at $1,150)
- Bag insert (valued at $1,200)
- Company name and logo in rotating signage from conference main stage
- Company Name and Logo on all National Conference Promotional Materials (including conference signage, social media, event promotions and event website)
- 1 full conference registration including reception and luncheon (valued at $589)
- 3 VIP seating at plenaries, Toast to Quality, and luncheon
- 1 exhibit booth (8’ x 10’) with prime high traffic location (valued at $2,200)
- Half-page, 4-color ad on inside back cover of conference program (valued at $1,150)
- Bag Insert (value at $1,200)
- Company name and logo in rotating signage from conference main stage
- Company Name and Logo on all National Conference Promotional Materials (including conference signage, social media, event promotions and event website)
- 1 VIP seating at plenaries, Toast to Quality, and luncheon
- 1 exhibit booth* (8’ x 10’) in exhibit hall (valued at $2,200)
- Business card, 4-color ad in conference program (valued at $500)
- $100 off a 1 full conference registration
- Company Name and Logo on all National Conference Promotional Materials (including conference signage, social media, event promotions, and event website)
Special Events Sponsorships
- Sponsor a Coffee Break Morning
- Sponsor a Snack Break Afternoon
- Sponsor Mobile Charging Station
*Contact Dezireé Mattocks for more information at dmattocks@nafcc.org.
Friends at NAFCC
- Organization listed in conference program and event website. $1,000
Program Advertising
The conference program is distributed to all participants. Attendees reference this publication as a resource during and after the conference, making it an excellent, cost-effective way to get your message to attendees.
Advertising in the program is charged according to the size of the advertisement. Print ready ads should be submitted to the national office no later than May 16, 2025. Later entries may or may not be included in the printed materials.
Ad size | Dimensions | Cost |
Quarter Page | 3 ¾” x 5” | $700 |
Half Page | 7 ½” x 5” | $1,150 |
Full Page | 7 ½” x 10” | $2,000 |
Business Card | $500 | |
Inside Front Cover | Reserved for Diamond Sponsor | |
Inside Back Cover | Reserved for Platinum Sponsor | |
Back Outside Cover | Reserved for Gold Sponsor |
Bag Inserts
Cost: $1,200
All registered attendees will receive a bag when they pick up their registration materials. Bag inserts are a key opportunity for attendees to be exposed to your organization at the outset of the conference. You can send your brochure, pamphlet, pens, notepads, or any other item, and it will be included in the official conference tote bag. Bag inserts must meet size requirements. Liquid samples must be sealed to prevent leaking, or they cannot be included in the bags.
Bag inserts should be sent by June 30, 2025. NAFCC may not be able to include submissions later.
2025 Exhibitors
Exhibitor Options
- One 8′ x 10′ exhibit booth with 6′ skirted and draped table and standard pipe and drape in the exhibit hall
- Organization listed in the conference program and event website
Exhibitor Tentative Hours
- Wednesday, July 30: 3:00pm-7:00pm – Exhibitor set up
- Thursday, July 31: 7:00am – 5:30pm – Exhibit Hall hours
- Thursday, July 31: 7:30pm – 8:30pm – Exhibit Hall celebration with cookies & music
- Friday, August 1: 7:00am – 5:30pm – Exhibit Hall hours
- Saturday, August 2: 7:00am – 2:00pm – Exhibit Hall hours
- Saturday, August 2: 2:00pm – 5:00pm – Exhibitor breakdown
Exhibitor Fees
- Before April 1, 2025: $1,700 per booth
- After April 1, 2025: $2,200 per booth
- Before April 1, 2025: $950 per booth
- After April 1, 2025: $1,250 per booth
*a copy of your 501c3 will be required for registration
FCC Educator
- Before April 1, 2025: $500 per booth
- After April 1, 2025: $600 per booth
*Contact Dezire’e Mattocks, dmattocks@nafcc.org with any questions about having an exhibit booth.
Exhibiting Terms and Conditions
Each exhibitor receives:
- 2 exhibitor passes
- Exhibitor registrations provide access to the exhibit hall only. If exhibitors wish to attend the conference, the purchase of a full conference registration is required. Note: Full conference registration is required for any additional exhibit booth passes.
- To guarantee exhibitor information in our program, exhibit space must be purchased by June 13, 2025. Note, there is limited exhibition space and we do expect all booths to sellout.
- Electricity, AV equipment, and the internet are the financial responsibility of the exhibitor.
- NAFCC does not guarantee any exhibitors non-compete rights.
- All exhibitors are required to set up Wednesday, July 30, 2025, from 3-7pm.
- As a courtesy to conference attendees, exhibitors should not dismantle, pack, or remove items before 2:00pm on Saturday, August 2, 2025. Any exhibitor dismantling their booth prior to this time may be charged an early departure fee.
- Each exhibitor is required to donate a door prize to NAFCC’s exhibit hall raffle. This will
be collected upon arrival on Wednesday July 30th.
For More Information
Additional sponsorship and special branding opportunities are avaiable.
For more information please contact Dezire’e Mattocks at dmattocks@nafcc.org.