Lead Prevention Resources
Creating safer and healthier child care programs–free of harmful environmental hazards–is key to protecting the well-being of children.
Family child care educators can use the below resources to improve the quality of their programs AND protect children’s health by eliminating environmental hazards like lead.
Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)
FCC Voting Resources
Family Child Care Research & Data Fact Sheet
This fact sheet draws from various sources to provide important data on family child care programs around the nation. It provides insights on children’s enrollment in family child care, the availability of family child care, and challenges/opportunities for family child care programs. This data should be used to inform family child care policy and advocacy.
You can download and share it in PDF form or via our website on your own digital platforms (social media, email, etc.).
How States Can Improve Child Care Facilities & Physical Spaces Using Federal Relief Dollars
How States Can Improve Child Care Facilities & Physical Spaces Using Federal Relief Dollars is a policy brief on the need to invest federal dollars on facility infrastructure for child care providers. With more than $50 billion in federal relief invested in the child care sector, there is an unprecedented opportunity for states to investment in facilities, a key element in creating a high-quality child care experiences in centers and family child care homes.
This brief is authored by NAFCC along with the National Children’s Facilities Network, CLASP, National Association for the Education of Young Children and Education Counsel.