
Woman teaching children

A Letter to Our Community

Last month, we gathered in New Orleans and virtually for the 2021 NAFCC Annual Conference – “Hitting the High Notes.” It was an incredible feeling being able to meet again in person and network with so many family child care professionals from across the country. We even had attendees tuning in online from as far…

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parent and child cooking

Child Nutrition Action in Congress

Let’s get ready for Child Nutrition Act Reauthorization! The last time Congress renewed this law, it was 2010. So much has happened since then! This reauthorization process gives us all an opportunity to educate Congress on what would make the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) even better. The U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee and…

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Our 2021 Award Winners

(Pictured: NAFCC Executive Director, Lanette Dumas, and NAFCC Board Member, Dr. Valora Washington, presenting the Lifetime Achievement Award) Saturday, July 10, 2021, the last day of our 2021 annual conference, we held an Awards Luncheon at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana (the site of 2021 conference). During this Awards Luncheon, we inducted…

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children eating lunch

New CACFP Payment Rates for 2021-2022

July 8, 2021 Every July, the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) reimbursement rates for centers and family child care are published in the Federal Register for the year. This is how they break down for family child care providers this year: 2021-2022 CACFP Reimbursement Rates Effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022…

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woman smiling at child

What is the American Families Plan?

President Biden recently announced the American Families Plan, a $1.8 trillion investment in children and families over the next 10 years. Together with the American Jobs Plan and American Rescue Plan, the American Families Plan is set to help families recover from the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and existing gaps across our…

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Food Program News: Latest Waivers from USDA Provide More Support for Family Child Care Programs

Throughout the pandemic, USDA has been issuing flexibilities for operating the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) through what they call COVID-19 Nationwide Waivers. These flexibilities are intended to ensure children in CACFP-participating programs are still able to access nutritious meals during these difficult times. On April 20, 2021, USDA issued another set of…

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