Write a Letter to Your Elected Official


Writing a letter to your elected representative is an effective way to voice your concerns, make suggestions, and ask questions. Not only is this a way to document your position on issues that are important to you, but it lets your representative know how other constituents may feel about the subject as well.

Here are some tips when writing you representative:

  1. Introduce yourself. Let your representative know that you are a family child care provider, small business owner, parent, educator and community member. Tell your representative you are a constituent and acknowledge the subject of your concern.
  1. Present your concerns. Explain the situation and how this issue affects you. Persuade your representative with the three strongest points that support your position. Remember, your lived experience is important and gives you authority. Write with confidence and keep a positive tone.
  1. Conclude on a friendly note. Describe how you would like to see the problem resolved. Express your appreciation for your representative’s time and attention.
  1. Keep it brief. Letters should be as concise as possible. Stick to one issue and only include relevant information.
  1. Don’t forget to review! Take a moment to proofread and spellcheck your letter before hitting ‘send.’ Ask a friend to review your message.
  1. Ask for a response. Provide your contact information, including an email address and phone number, to ensure your representative can respond. Keep a copy of all correspondence as a reference for future communication.