child playing outside

Supporting Family Child Care Educators in a Changing Climate

The National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC), in partnership with Eco-Healthy Child Care® (EHCC), is dedicated to helping family child care educators navigate the growing challenges of climate change. Together, we provide tools, resources, and training to:

  • Address extreme heat and its impact on children.
  • Promote healthier indoor and outdoor environments.
  • Share cost-effective strategies for adapting to climate challenges.

FCC Perspectives

NAFCC has launched what will be a series of focus groups to better understand the climate-related challenges faced by family child care educators and to identify actionable solutions. The first in this series was the Extreme Heat Focus Group, which explored the specific impacts of extreme heat on child care environments. Read the key takeaways from the Extreme Heat Focus Group here.

Recommendations for Family Child Care Educators

Here are simple, actionable steps provided by Eco-Healthy Child Care® to help protect children from climate-related risks. Start implementing these easy and low-cost practices today:

1. Post “No-Idling” Signs
Reduce vehicle emissions near your facility by posting signs at entrances or drop-off areas.
Learn more about the benefits of no-idling policies here.

2. Monitor Daily Air Quality

Check real-time air quality updates on On Code Orange days, limit strenuous outdoor activities. On red, purple, or maroon days, keep children indoors.

For more information, refer to the Air Quality Fact Sheet.

3. Sun Safety

Use safer sunscreens and ensure shaded outdoor areas to protect children during playtime. Find the Sun Safety FAQ here.

4. Bug Safety

Protect children from insect-borne diseases by using child-safe bug repellents. Explore safe and effective bug repellent options here. Detailed guidance can be found in the Bug Repellent FAQ and the Pesticides Fact Sheet.

5. Emergency Preparedness

Plan for wildfires, hurricanes, and other extreme weather events with our Emergency Preparedness Toolkit. Learn more about wildfires and children’s health resources.

Learn practical steps to prepare your family child care program for climate-related emergencies in the Climate Change and Child Care FAQ.

6. Built Environment

Additional Resources

For more information about protecting children and adapting to climate challenges, explore these blogs:

From extreme heat and poor air quality to wildfires, hurricanes, and other climate-related events, we empower educators to create safer, healthier environments for children and their communities. Explore more EHCC resources. See EHCC Fact Sheets here, and EHCC FAQs here.

Join Us in the Movement for Climate Resilience and Equity

NAFCC recognizes that climate change disproportionately affects underserved communities. We are committed to advocating for equitable policies and providing resources to ensure every child and family has access to safe, healthy care environments.
Contact us or join our efforts by visiting

Together, we can build resilient communities and a healthier future for all children.