Join Us

Join us for the virtual viewing of the “We Are Family Child Care” documentary, a powerful collaboration between NAFCC and Fola Studios, celebrating the dedication and impact of family child care educators.

Únete a nosotros

Acompáñennos en la proyección virtual del documental “Somos el Cuidado Infantil Familiar”, una colaboración poderosa entre la NAFCC y Fola Studios que celebra la dedicación y el impacto de las educadoras de cuidado infantil familiar.

emmanuel afolabi

Emmanuel Afolabi

Film maker

Emmanuel Afolabi is a Nigerian-American creative entrepreneur based in Detroit, Michigan, specializing in photography and filmmaking. Known for his authentic storytelling, Emmanuel captures the essence of communities and individuals through his powerful visual work. His mission is to amplify voices and provide representation through film.

tarris brown

christina brown

Christina and Tarris Brown

Family child care educators

Christina and Tarris Brown have been operating Overcomer Kids Family Child Care in Orlando, FL since 2010. Christina, alongside her husband and daughter, has transformed their child care business into a thriving family-run endeavor. Tarris began his journey in child care 17 years ago, working in ministry, and together they have built a trusted program based on their shared love for children and a commitment to providing a first-class, safe, and nurturing environment.