female leader

NAFCC Leaders Shaping Leaders 2024 – 2025 Fellowship

We are excited to announce that the application process for our Leaders Shaping Leaders Fellowship is now open! Submission Deadline: March 29, 2024. The Leaders Shaping Leaders fellowship is a dynamic virtual learning series that includes interactive education, networking, and leadership building. The fellowship will consist of seasoned FCC leaders paired with emerging leaders from…

Family Child Care Summit in Massachusetts

NAFCC on the Move – October, 2023

Check out the latest updates from the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC). This month, our staff members have been on the move, working diligently to further our mission and strengthen our connections with child care educators and advocates across the country. Aspen Institute Ascend Fellow Congratulations, Erica Phillips, Executive Director of NAFCC, for…

NAFCC logo

The National Association for Family Child Care Supports $16 Billion Funding Boost for Child Care Stabilization

Today, the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) Executive Director, Erica Phillips, released the following statement in support of the supplemental funding to help stabilize the child care industry. “The National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) stands in strong support of the efforts made by the White House to secure $16 billion in…

Commissioner Jacobs

Conectando a las Comunidades de Proveedores de Cuidado Infantil: Resumen sobre la Conferencia Por Dezire’e Mattocks

ENGLISH ¿Está usted internalizando aún todos los aspectos destacados y las perlas de sabiduría que fueron compartidos en la Conferencia del 2023 de la Asociación Nacional para el Cuidado Infantil Familiar (NAFCC, por sus siglas en inglés)? ¡Realmente lo esperamos! Confiamos que esta entrada de blog los encuentre colmados de emoción y llenos de inspiración…